Meet Sue McFadden

I’m proud of my extensive history of public service to local residents, having won five consecutive
elections as City and Regional Councillor in Mississauga’s Ward 10. Prior to that, I served two terms as
the Ward 9/10 Trustee for the Peel District School Board.

I have thoroughly enjoyed serving my community these last 24 years, shaping our parks, schools, and
neighbourhoods into places where people desire to live, learn, raise a family, and prosper. At the same
time, I have heard from many residents who are struggling in an increasingly unaffordable economy, and
many more who are concerned about the rise in crime and who fear for the safety of their family and

Our local police force has done valiant work in crime prevention, arresting criminals, and recovering
stolen property. But more needs to be done from all levels of government to support these efforts.
Importantly, penalties for criminal activity—a federal responsibility—need to act as deterrents,
something that is clearly not working in our country under the current government.

This is just one example of how my experience and perspective at the municipal level can empower me
to make bold changes for the benefit of all Canadians.

With your support and backed by the CPC, I know we can and will do better. As a mom and grandmother
who, together with my husband Dave, has raised a family in this community, I know we must do better.